Smooth Bore Hose
FEP Fluoropolymer Lined
EPDM Covered Flexible Hose
Features and Benefits
EPDM Rubber Cover
Features and Benefits
Externally Convoluted EPDM Rubber Cover
Features and Benefits
EPDM Rubber Cover
Features and Benefits
Features and Benefits
EPDM Rubber Cover
Sanitary Tube Size I.D.
Features and Benefits
304 Stainless Steel High Tensile Strength Braid
Features and Benefits
Stainless Steel Braid
Silicone Cover
Features and Benefits
Densely Packed High Tensile 304 Stainless Steel Braid
High Pressure (5000 psi)
Features and Benefits

PharmaSmooth® Hose
(9) Smooth OD and ID Chemfluor®FEP Fluoropolymer Lined
EPDM Covered Flexible Hose
Features and Benefits
- Ultra smooth OD surface
- Easy to clean
- Smooth ID when bent
- Imparts no taste or odor
- Excellent bend radius
- Kink resistant
- Sterilizable and autoclavable
- Non-aging liner
- Full vacuum rated
- Super chemical resistant

CTLCT Series Hose (Chemfluor® Conductive PFA Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner Tube)
(4) Chemfluor® Conductive PFA Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner TubeEPDM Rubber Cover
Features and Benefits
- Electrostatic dissipating conductive inner tube
- Improved I.D. surface finish
- Excellent bend radius
- Increased maximum lengths up to 100 ft.
- CTLCT is manufactured to have a maximum resistance of 106 Ω when inducing a charge of 500 volts D.C.
- Autoclavable
- Imparts no taste or odors

TLCTCO Series Hose (Chemfluor® Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner Tube)
(6) Chemfluor® Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner TubeExternally Convoluted EPDM Rubber Cover
Features and Benefits
- Reduced force to bend
- Improved bend radius
- Ultra-flexible, easy to handle, kink resistant
- Smooth ID when bent
- High Pressure Rating
- Sterilizable, Autoclavable
- Imparts no taste or odors
- Non-aging liner
- Full Vacuum rated
- Resistant to chemicals, ozone and abrasion

TLCT, WTLCT, SFTL Series Hose (Chemfluor® FEP Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner Tube)
(18) Chemfluor® FEP Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner TubeEPDM Rubber Cover
Features and Benefits
- Unexcelled chemical resistance
- Full vacuum rated
- Durable, kink resistant, with no external wire reinforcement to potentially fray
- Easy-to-clean, non-stick smooth tube for assured sterility
- Can be cleaned with steam, caustics, solvents or other cleaning agents
- Resistant to chemicals, ozone and abrasion

WTLCTPFA Series Hose (Chemfluor® Pigmented PFA Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner Tube)
(4) Chemfluor® Unpigmented PFA Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner Tube EPDM RubberFeatures and Benefits
- Reduced extractables
-Lower levels of extractable fluoride ions reduce silicone wafer corrosion - Superior chemical and heat resistance
- Wide temperature range
- Durable, kink resistant, with no external wire reinforcement to potentially fray
- Easy-to-clean, non-stick smooth tube for assured sterility
- Can be cleaned with steam, caustics, solvents or other cleaning agents

WSIB Series Hose (Sanitary Tube Size ID)
(4) Chemfluor FEP Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner TubeEPDM Rubber Cover
Sanitary Tube Size I.D.
Features and Benefits
- Flexible face-to-face Chemfluor®-lined hose assembly
- Inert and chemically resistant to most chemicals and reagents
- S.I.B. (Smooth Inner Bore) technology ensures crevice-free fluoropolymer contact surface
-Ensures smooth transition from stainless steel tubing through hose fitting
-Optimizes process transfer
-Full flow characteristics
-No entrapment
-Fully self-draining
-Reduced pressure drop through the fitting compared to crimp-style fitting systems - Cleanable by CIP, SIP
- Resistant to chemicals, ozone and abrasion

TS & TB Series Hose (Smooth Chemfluor® PTFE Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner Tube)
(13) Smooth Chemfluor® PTFE Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner Tube304 Stainless Steel High Tensile Strength Braid
Features and Benefits
- Greater wall thickness of Chemfluor® PTFE tube
-Up lo 33% thicker than most competing products (tube wall .040 minimum)
-Superior kink resistance
-Improved vacuum ratings
-Better damage resistance - Neutral to taste, color and odor
- Non-stick, non-contaminating
- Cleans easily -- steam, detergent or caustic
- Can be autoclaved
- Full ID sizes
-Greater flow rate per given size
-Less pressure drop through fitting area than hoses with tube size ID

TSS Series Hose (Stainless Steel Braid - Chemfluor® PTFE Smooth Inner Tube)
(5) Cliemfluor® PTFE Fluoropolymer Smooth Inner TubeStainless Steel Braid
Silicone Cover
Features and Benefits
- Pure platinum-cured silicone outer cover extruded over TS Series hose
- Permits easy cleaning
- Ultra-smooth outer cover ensures no particle entrapment in stainless steel braids
- Reduces braid fraying
- Helps insulate exterior from "bum'' potential
- Single crimp collar locks in hose barb and seals off silicone cover, eliminates bulky secondary ring
- Extruded cover is "locked" onto stainless steel braid, will not move when handled
- Consult Dunham Rubber customer service for special order TB Series (conductive) version with silicone cover
- Can be autoclaved

TH Series Hose (High Pressure - Chemfluor® PTFE Smooth Inner Tube)
(6) Chemfluor® PTFE Fluoropolymer Conductive Smooth Inner TubeDensely Packed High Tensile 304 Stainless Steel Braid
High Pressure (5000 psi)
Features and Benefits
- Non-aging hose for high pressure hydraulic or pneumatic applications
-Pressure rated to 5000 psi regardless of ID size - Flexible
- Chemical and moisture resistant
- Low volumetric expansion
- Minimizes pressure drop loss
- Anti-kink stainless steel armor available (recommended)
- Firesleeve also available